How to help the Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children

Hopefully you’ve heard about Chambliss Center for Children’s newest program by now, but if not, let us tell you a little about it!

The Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children

Did you know that when a child is removed from their home, they go to an office building to await foster placement?

For hours, days, or sometimes weeks, these children sleep on conference room floors, bathe in drug-testing sinks, and live out of a government office during the worst days of their lives. Can you imagine how small and insignificant that could make someone feel?

That’s why Isaiah 117 Houses are so important. When a county has an Isaiah 117 House, children are taken to a safe place of respite instead of a sterile office. They have new toys, new clothes, and volunteers whose primary job is to love on them and let them know they aren’t alone.

Construction started on the Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children during the fall, but we’re still a few months away from opening the house.

In the meantime, here are a few ways you can help us as we prepare to open:

  1. Like and share our Facebook and Instagram pages.

    • This is probably the easiest possible way to support our mission. When you like our page, share our posts, and invite others to follow, you’re expanding our network of people and helping to get the word out!

  2. Join our Expansion Committee.

    • This special group meets once a month to plan fundraisers and friend-raisers, love on our DCS workers, and receive updates on the house. To learn more about how to join, email Chloe, our Program Coordinator, at

  3. Participate in this year’s Spread the Love event.

    • You can show your neighbor, friend, coworker, or church how much you love them this February by sending a special gift their way! For a small donation, we’ll place dozens of heart signs in their yard for a full day. The best part is that they can spread the love to their friends and continue the chain! Keep an eye out for more information about this year’s Spread the Love event coming soon.

  4. Invite us to speak to your church, business, or group

    • While we work on construction, we’re also building awareness! If you have a bible study, work group, club, etc. who may be interested in learning more about the Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children, we’d love for you to introduce us. Get in contact with Chloe or Rachel to set up a speaking engagement.

As we prepare for what 2023 has in store for this new program, we’re so thankful for your support. Please continue to keep up-to-date with us as we build the first Isaiah 117 House in Hamilton County!