Hey Chambliss Center for Children Friends!
You may have heard about Chambliss Center for Children’s newest initiative- the Isaiah 117 House, which exists to serve as physical and emotional support for children awaiting placement! When a child enters foster care out of concern for their welfare, it is not unheard of for the child(ren) to be waiting for a suitable foster family placement in an office setting, with little belongings, with people they’ve just met. This stay could be a few hours or even a few months! Our goal is to reduce the trauma for these children and to let them know that they are not alone. Instead of going to an office space to stay on their Removal Day, they can come to the Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children.
This loving home is more than a house. In a traumatic time of transition for children of Hamilton County entering foster care, this is a place of comfort, peace, and hope. It is a joy to know that these children, their caseworkers, and their foster families will be held in lavish love and have their needs met.
The need is great in this community, but the community response and impact have been greater. Your support is so significant! We would love to see you on June 16th at 10:00 on Chambliss main campus to witness the groundbreaking for Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children. Any questions can be directed to Chloe.hasden@isaiah117house.com
Written by:
Chloe Hasden
Program Coordinator for the Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children