Lemonade Stand Challenge — Chambliss Center For Children

In the Summer of 2017, a few children from Elizabethton and Johnson City, TN held lemonade stands to raise money for the first Isaiah 117 House in Carter County, TN. $7,000 was raised that summer by kids who knew kids needed a place to stay while they were waiting on foster placement.

We were so moved by this simple act of kindness and generosity, that we decided to make lemonade stands an expectation for every Isaiah 117 House location moving forward.

Every July, Isaiah 117 Houses across the country encourage their community to hold lemonade stands to raise awareness and funds for their location.

Since 2017, God has taken a few stands and $7,000 and turned it into over 500 stands per year that raise over $500,000 annually for local Isaiah 117 Houses to help change the way foster care begins.

To learn more about hosting a lemonade stand, contact your local Isaiah 117 House Team!


Step 1


Once you’ve decided to set up a lemonade stand on the weekend of July 12th to July 14th, you can register your stand by clicking the button below. There’s no deadline to sign-up.

Step 2


Post, tweet, go live, and share to help promote your stand. Tell your own story of why you’ve chosen to help the Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children through your social media channels and make sure to tag us!

Facebook @isaiah117houseccc
Instagram @isaiah117chamblisscenter

For an added level of promotion, feel free to download and use the flyer below throughout your neighborhood!

Step 3

Prepare to Sell!

Before you set up your stand, we recommend stocking up on a few things:

  1. Cash bag or box

  2. Petty Cash

  3. Cups

  4. Ice and a Cooler

  5. Trash bags

  6. Lemonade!

We can provide informational rack cards, signs, banners, and Isaiah 117 House apparel!

What’s the price for the lemonade? It is all donations… so it is whatever you set it to or whatever the consumer would like to pay. If someone doesn’t have cash, they can use Venmo or Cash App to pay @ChamblissCenter.

Just make sure they put the name of your stand in the comments!


Make sure to like us on Facebook!

Look Out for Emails from Our Team

Once you sign up, we will continue to communicate all things Lemonade Stand Challenge! We will provide signage, banners, and Isaiah 117 House Red Door Culture sessions if you want to learn more about what happens in our Red Doors. Bingo Bango!


The Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Children provides love and safety for children who await a foster placement on one of the hardest days of their lives- removal day.

For more information, click here!