More Than I Could Ever Anticipate: Patricia’s Foster Care Story

Foster parenting is a journey of love, resilience, and self-discovery, and for Patricia, it has been a way to give children not just a home but a lasting sense of belonging. As a foster parent with Chambliss Center for Children, Patricia has opened her heart and her home to children in need, navigating both the challenges and joys of fostering. Her story is one of hope, compassion, and a deep commitment to making a difference in the lives of children and families. Over the last five and a half years, Patricia has supported sibling reunifications, cared for newborns transitioning to adoptive families, and created a nurturing space for every child to thrive. Her journey is a powerful testament to the impact one person can have in shaping a child’s future and reminding them that they are never alone.

“I always wanted to give a child a reason to know they always belong,” Patricia R, a foster parent of five and a half years, stated when talking about her “Why?” in becoming a foster parent.

Patricia was interested in extending her family, and she parented a sibling group of two for two years before they reunified with their birth family. She noted that she feels it is important to support parents and encourage them to realize that the foster parent is not there to replace them but to come alongside them to help.

Patricia also fostered a newborn for a year before transitioning him to his adoptive family; she remains an active part of his life. Patricia has a 15-year-old daughter and feels that giving her opportunities to be an older sibling allowed her to be part of something bigger than herself and taught her valuable life lessons.

Initially hesitant to begin the process of becoming a foster parent, Patricia questioned herself: “You’re single; you’re trying to make time for your own child. What do you have to give at this point?” She added, “I started writing down a checklist of things: You have a home. You have love. You have time. You have the desire. You have the finances. I don’t have any excuses. At that point, I made the call.”

They make you laugh. They fill you up from a long day—because it’s something bigger than yourself. Sometimes you think you’re going to give more to them, and in fostering, you realize they give you more than you could ever anticipate.
— Patricia R, Foster Parent

Patricia stated she had to “let go of all the fears, and just do it.” Her reflection on her experiences encompasses both the beautiful and the hard aspects of fostering. She feels the difficult parts are much like parenting your own children—having extra time and energy and meeting parental obligations—simply with additional children.

In reference to pleasant surprises she found through foster care, she asserted: “They make you laugh. They fill you up from a long day—because it’s something bigger than yourself. Sometimes you think you’re going to give more to them, and in fostering, you realize they give you more than you could ever anticipate.”

If you’re interested in learning more about our foster care program or how you can help by starting your journey as a foster parent/respite provider, please call 423-693-2580 or email